XFSM- Iot Based Modern Filling Station Management System

Gas Filling Station & Petrol Pump management software with flexibility to run filling station with business complexities. Traditional Filling Stations face a lot of problems for looking after delivery and stocks, calculating transactions and keeping track of activities efficiently. XFSM is a complete IoT based solution for modern Fuel & Gas station’s management. We will convert your existing Fuel & Gas station into an intelligent and automated service station. No need to remove your existing assets and resources or reinvest for dispensers or ATG’s. After the transformation, you will be able to manage everything smartly and with confidence.

The IoT devices will be seamlessly integrated for sending data into a central database, from where you will be able to analyze and monitor your complete business data. Using XFSM Mobile app, all your service station’s data will be available to you from anywhere you want to access. The system can notify you in your mobile for any notifications you desire. Fully scalable end-to-end software automation solution for filling service stations. The software is designed for petrol pump and fuel retailers in Saudi Arabia for flexible and simple filling station management solution.

Benefits of filling station management software

  • Instantly get each dispenser meter reading (auto counted in software)
  • Instantly get fuel tanks inventory from software
  • Control activity of cashiers and fuel attendants to avoid stealing
  • Many analytical reports over petrol station operation easy and convenient
  • Get all your accounting status instantly
  • Keep all track records of credit customers

Our filling station management software can keep record of all kind of inventory process such as:

  • Fuel products inventory
  • Lubricant and other products inventory
  • CNG Monthly billing system
  • Fuel Purchase along with facility to put all kinds of deductions and expenses related to each purchase.
  • Gain Loss for liquid fuel products such as petrol and diesel
  • Cash and credit sale invoice nozzle wise
  • Lubricant and other products sales, purchase invoices
  • A well defined created chart of accounts
  • Credit Voucher (Cash Receiving Voucher)
  • Debit Voucher (Cash Payment Voucher)
  • Journal Voucher
  • Separate bank vouchers
  • Bank Deposit Voucher
  • Cheque Issue Voucher
  • Account Ledgers
  • Cash book
  • Receivables + Payables Reports
  • Auto Trial Balance
  • Auto Profit & Loss
  • Balance Sheet
  • Monthly Expense Chart
  • Reports
  • Current stock report shows you updated stock of each product any time
  • Stock transaction report gives you summary of complete stock transaction
  • Fuel purchases gives you details of all kinds of fuel purchases
  • Fuel sale summary
  • Lubricants, CNG Kits and all other products purchase report
  • Lubricants, CNG Kits and all other products sales report
  • Daily business activity
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Hardware & Software Solutions

Filling Station Automation

In a digital world, business success is defined by agility and speed. Our MRP Software (ALZERP) solution with greater agility and business intelligence will achieves the results faster.Based on the initial study of your requirements, we are offeringa cloud system with combined modules of-

Summary of the Solutions:

XFSM IoT controller is a powerful modern forecourt controller for provision of control over:

Filling Station Automation

XFSM IoT controller knows communication protocols of a great variety of dispensers, ATG systems and probes, price boards and readers allowing to control over any of them in a common way regardless of the brand or communication protocol used, so using the XFSM IoT controller any management system (our POS system, OPT, mobile application) use a common way for provision of control over any supported brands in the same way.

Following actions can be performed with XFSM IoT controller user interface:

All pumps’ sales data can be recorded in XFSM IoT controller for reporting through a web-browser and additionally uploaded to a remote server for processing and analysis.
XFSM IoT controller leads internal database for pumps sales, tanks measurements, in-tank deliveries, alerts, GPS records, it allows to generate reports using a web browser and also can automatically upload all the registered records to any remote cloud server, allowing to easily remotely receive all detailed reports from the petrol stations, petroleum depots and fuel delivery trucks.

Connection to ATG systems

XFMS IoT controller allows to monitor same time up to 50 tanks, equipped with probes or ATG systems, at this connection of 3 different brands of probes or ATG systems using different communication protocols is possible same time.

Filling station Automation

Following features are present for your tank:

  • Informing probes’ measurements data: product level, water level, temperature, product volume, water volume, product temperature-compensated volume, tank ullage, product density, product mass
  • In case if the probes do not provide volume measurements – then XFMS IoT controller can provide calculation of product volume based on tank calibration chart and product level, measured by probe
  • Automatic calculation of product temperature-compensated volume in tank
  • Automatic track of tank alarms: probe failures, high and low product levels, high water level
  • Automatic detection of product in-tank deliveries received, it can be done even during pumps fueling process
  • Automatic calculation of product mass
  • At communication to ATG consoles XFMS IoT controller can be used for sending fuel dispensers sales data to consoles in order to make console provide tanks reconciliation reports and automatic tanks calibration
  • All tanks’ measurements data can be recorded in XFMS IoT controller for reporting through a web-browser and additionally uploaded to a remote server for processing and analysis

Connection to price boards

XFMS IoT controller allows to control same time up to 5 price boards each having up to 10 price displays.

Filling Station Management Software
The XFMS IoT controller supports different brands of price boards and poles, here is a list of supported price boards communication protocols.
If the controller is connected to a remote server – it allows to update the prices in the controller and on the connected price boards Realtime from a remote server.

Connection to readers

XFMS IoT controller allows to read the RFID identifiers (cards, tags, wrist straps, etc.) same time from readers. The readers can be used as standalone, so as can be linked to pumps programmatically and mounted to pumps (example of the RFID tag to be used on the pump).

Filling Station Automation Software
  • XFMS IoT controller provides leading a list of tags for customers and fuel attendants, which allows to verify the customer or fuel attendant before the filling to avoid unauthorized fillings.
  • In the end of the filling the XFMS IoT controller saves information on the performed transactions together with the read tags to the database allowing to track actions of the customer or fuel attendant and view in reports sales performed by each customer or fuel attendant.
  • Providing the fuel attendants with RFID tags allows to solve many important tasks including:
  • Fillings can be done only by authorized fuel attendants having valid RFID tags, so it prevents a possibility to fuel by unauthorized users and thus avoid a possibility of stealing the fuel
  • All the filling done by fuel attendants are saved in the XFMS IoT controller database, the XFMS IoT controller allows to generate reports on sales serviced by each fuel attendant, the management of the petrol station can anytime generate a report on how much cash was received by each fuel attendant during any period
  • No need to manually write down totals from pumps at start and end of the working shifts – now these values are automatically recorded by the XFMS IoT controller and are shown in the generated reports
  • No need to fix fuel attendants for certain pumps and fueling places – now any fuel attendant can service any pump filling, the controller provides exact report information on each fuel attendant activity, which allows to save resources
  • Management of petrol station can check activity of the fuel attendants and understand who is more active and who is lazy
  • Any attempt to cheat or steal the fuel by the fuel attendant is automatically registered by the XFMS IoT controller and shown in reports

Communication to a remote server

Being installed on petrol stations without static IP-addresses or in the mobile fuel delivery truck sometimes there is a task to communicate to a remote server to gather information for reporting, to receive some updates in configuration or even for remote control from a server. For such tasks the XFMS IoT controller can itself establish connection to a remote server by its IP-address.
XFMS IoT controller is able to constantly communicate with remote server without a need to have a static IP-address for upload of data to the remote server online for reporting and analysis. XFMS IoT controller can connect to a remote server itself and upload all the data in JSON format, which is convenient for processing, so any third-party servers can easily implement support of XFMS IoT controller to work with its data. Data can be uploaded with modern means of security (TLS cryptographic protocol), which makes it possible to use XFMS IoT controller in applications, which require a high level of security and IoT applications.
Also, XFMS IoT controller can establish constant connection to a remote server using the WebSockets protocol (according to RFC 6455) with a purpose to allow the server to execute any requests it needs like setting/getting configuration, provision of control over pumps and tanks, getting reports, etc. This application is important when a remote server should completely control XFMS IoT controller.
In both cases the XFMS IoT controller connects to a remote server as a client, so there is no need to have any static IP-address on the place of XFMS IoT controller installation.

The XFMS IoT controller allows to upload the following information to a remote server:

  • Information on each performed pump transaction:
  • Pump sale start date and time
  • Pump sale end date and time
  • Pump number
  • Nozzle number
  • Fuel grade ID
  • Transaction number
  • Pump price
  • Dispensed volume
  • Dispensed temperature-compensated volume (volume converted to 15 degrees Celsius)
  • Dispensed money amount
  • Value of volume counter in pump on the transaction end
  • Value of money amount totalizer counter in pump on the transaction end
  • Value of customer or fuel attendant tag applied for the transaction (the fuel attendant ID card to authorize the pump or the customer’s discount/loyalty card)
  • ID of a management system authorizing a pump (local POS system or OPT)

Having this data the remote server is able to:

  • Generate reports with all details on each pump sales done
  • Calculate the flow speed of each pump nozzle
  • Check if there were stealings of fuel done through authorized sales without the controller control (by the pump totalizers counters, which are non-erasable and non-resettable and are incremented regardless the transaction is done in manual mode or automatically, so in case if the totalizers counters were incremented more than a sale done – then someone was doing a filling when a pump is in manual mode, which might be a theft)
  • Decide which pump is more attractive and more productive
  • Others
  • Information on each registered tank measurement (the XFMS IoT controller uploads the tank measurements data to a remote server each time it detects a change in the product height):
  • Date and time of measurement
  • Tank number
  • Probe error
  • Alarms present (products height low or high, water height high)
  • Product height value
  • Water height value
  • Product temperature value
  • Product volume value
  • Water volume value
  • Tank ullage volume value
  • Product temperature-compensated volume value
  • Product density value
  • Product mass value

Having this data the remote server is able to:

  • Have online data for each tank
  • Have statistics for each tank usage with a possibility to make forecasting for future needs
  • If combined with data on pumps sales from the tank the remote server is able to generate reports on reconciliation meaning to see how much fuel has to be stored in the tank on some moment and how much is actually stored there and thus to understand if there is a possible leakage or thefts from the tank.
  • Others
  • Information on each registered in-tank delivery (the XFMS IoT controller itself monitors tanks for in-tank deliveries, saves them to database and uploads to a server):
  • Date and time of in-tank delivery start
  • Date and time of in-tank delivery end
  • Tank number
  • Product height value on in-tank delivery start
  • Product height value on in-tank delivery end
  • Water height value on in-tank delivery start
  • Water height value on in-tank delivery end
  • Product temperature value on in-tank delivery start
  • Product temperature value on in-tank delivery end
  • Product volume value on in-tank delivery start
  • Product volume value on in-tank delivery end
  • Product temperature-compensated volume value on in-tank delivery start
  • Product temperature-compensated volume value on in-tank delivery end
  • Product density value on in-tank delivery start
  • Product density value on in-tank delivery end
  • Product mass value on in-tank delivery start
  • Product mass value on in-tank delivery end
  • Having this data the remote server is able to understand how much fuel was received in each tank.

Found errors and alarms:

  • Detected pumps offline status
  • Detected pumps errors
  • Detected probes offline status
  • Detected probes errors
  • Detected probes alerts (critical high product height, high product height, low product height, critical low product height, high water height)
  • Detected tanks leakages
  • Detected tanks probes floats stuck
  • Detected price-boards offline status
  • Detected price-boards errors
  • Detected readers offline status
  • Detected readers errors
  • Operation time of the controller
  • Detected absence of power supply
  • Low battery voltage
  • High CPU temperature
  • Others

Having this data the remote server can instantly alarm technical personnel about the found problems to quickly solve them and thus keep the petrol stations work stable and safe.

Monitoring over petrol station activity and alerts

In case if there is an existing POS system already installed on the station – then the XFMS IoT controller allows to monitor operation of the fuel dispensers, tanks and price-boards (and optionally to control the sales when required).

XFMS IoT controller can be installed on already automated petrol stations in between the POS/controllers and dispensers, probes, price boards. The XFMS IoT controller will pass through all communication with saving of all important events to its database with automatic upload to a remote server

  • performed pump transactions
  • changes of fuel measurements in tanks
  • in-tank deliveries
  • alerts/problems/warnings
  • Realtime status of all connected equipment

All this data is automatically collected and uploaded to a remote server for reporting and analysis. Remote server also can provide control over all the forecourt equipment through the XFMS IoT controller.

Fuel dispensers sales data for ATG consoles for tanks reconciliation and autocalibration

Possibilities of the XFMS IoT controller allow to apply it in various ways for provision of control over forecourt equipment at petrol stations and allow its easy integration with POS systems and OPT terminals at petrol stations. One of the applications is listening of communication exchange between POS system and dispensers and sending of dispensers’ transactions to the ATG console for provision of tanks reconciliation and automatic calibration. Most of the petrol stations with installed ATG consoles do not have this option due to POS system can not provide sending of dispensers’ transactions to the console. Installation of the XFMS IoT controller between POS system and dispensers solves this problem and without any additional integration from the side of POS system.

Additionally, it is possible to apply XFMS IoT controller inside the casing of the ATG console. At this a scheme of connection specified on the above image is saved, but at some extra development of the console GUI it is possible to make a completely new function of the console – provision of monitoring and control over dispensers from the console in parallel with POS system. As a result, the console becomes a common system of control, monitoring and account providing:

  • Connection of console to any POS system, OPT terminal for provision of control over dispensers
  • possibility to connect various brands of probes, which communication protocols are not supported by the console
  • transmission from XFMS IoT controller to console data on sales transaction of dispensers for formation of reconciliation reports and automatic tanks calibration
  • additional possibility to monitor and control fuel dispenser operation from the console display in parallel to POS system already installed at petrol station (needs update of console software)

Finacial Proposal

We are offering you below proposal for installation and maintenance services for automating filling stations management:



(Est. Cost)





  • 1XFSM IoT controller: 1 pcs
  • Interface converter RS485: 1 pcs
  •  Cabling
  • Server PC (With Windows Server 2022 Standard)
  • Per Dispenser Connectivity (4×2500)
  • Per ATG Connectivity (3×2500)
  • Per Price Board Connectivity (1×2000)
  • Per RFID connectivity (1×2000)
  • Software simulators of prevalent fuel dispensers
  • Software simulators of ATG systems
  • Web Based Point of Sales System
  • Web based Inventory & Accounting Management
  • Management Information System (Mobile App)
  • Annual Maintenance Contract
  • Maximum Two times service engineer visit monthly on request
  • Providing Instant Remote Support

Total (Approximately)








In words: Eighty Six Thousand Five Hundred Saudi Riyals Only
Scope for Delivery: 30 days for completion of works

Payment Terms:
Payment terms & schedules are given below:

  • 50% of estimated amount will be paid upon work-order
  • 25% after Hardware Installation is Done
  • 25% after software installations done

Note Please: Charges applicable for any other services which are not mentioned in the Quotation.